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How to use Jetpack's Content Options to show/hide content in blog post

How to Use Jetpack's Content Options to Show/Hide Content

When have you ever wanted to hide the blog post’s details such as published date, tags, category, etc. or even the author’s name?; or to display the blog post in a short description instead of the whole text in the post?

If your website is based on WordPress and you are using a theme that supports Jetpack, it might be easy to do all the above things. Let’s see how we do it with Jetpack.

What is Jetpack?

Jetpack is a plugin for WordPress which is developed by Automattic, the people behind

Jetpack is often likened to an ultimate toolkit that meets most of the fundamental and essential needs of every WordPress website like adding extra features, tracking site statics and speeding up website.

However, not all the WordPress themes support Jetpack. To ensure that you can utilize it as followings, you should check your theme first. As almost our WordPress themes of Gretathemes, Jetpack is supported.

You may download Jetpack directly from (free), then connect it with your account and activate this plugin.

Use Jetpack's Content Options to show/hide content
How to use Jetpack's Content Options to show/hide content

Up to now, Jetpack has more than 40 different functions. And in this article, we would like to introduce you to how to use one of its functions - Content Options - to display or hide the content of a post.

So, what is the Content Options?

Content Options is a feature that allows WordPress admins to adjust the way content is shown on the website including showing short description, featured images, author bios, etc.

Follow this instruction to know how.

Step 1: Find Content Options menu in your theme

In the admin dashboard, go to Appearance > Customize. Then, an editor screen will be shown for lively adjust your theme. If your theme supports Jetpack, you will see the Content Options menu in the left sidebar.

Show/hide content use Jetpack

Click on this menu and see all the options for your blog posts inside.

Step 2: Choose the options you want

In this step, you just need to tick or untick each option in the Content Options' list. Each one will give you one display option as below:

Blog Display

When displaying a blog post in the archives pages or homepage, you are offered two options in the Post Display section:

  1. Full post: Post will display the whole its content into pages.
  2. Post excerpt: A short description will be shown for a post (it may be an excerpt which you set or automatically take a short from the initial part).

For example:

Post displays in Full post option:

Use Jetpack to show/hide content

Post displays in Post excerpt option:

use Jetpack's Content Options to show/hide content

Tip 1:

In some cases, Full post option might take the imbalance for your blog and Post excerpt takes the post intro is not meaningful. Both of them are not fit right now, so you should take this below trick.

Put the more tag into the post, where you want to split the content and state the text read more or continue reading (up to your theme):

use Jetpack to show/hide content

Next, choose Full post in the Post Display section in Content Options.

Now, every post has the more tag will show the words which stand before the more tag.

Show/hide content use Jetpack's Content Options

Tip 2:

There are some WordPress themes that provide you one more option for Post Display, which is called Default option.

This one actually is Full post or Post excerpt, even mix them all (this kind of post will be shown in Full post style, another will be shown in Post excerpt style). But, it is the best option to fit the theme design. So, you should choose default when it is available for the most beautiful interface of your website.

Show/hide content use Jetpack's Content Options

Author Bio

There are some theme support Author Bio where you can introduce something about the author. It usually displays at the end of each post. But, if you don’t want to show that, go to Content Options, untick to the box Display on single posts in the Author Bio section. Otherwise, keep it with the tick.

some theme support Author Bio to use Jetpack's Content Options to show/hide content

Post Details

Every blog post has a group of information including author name, category, published date, tags, comment link, etc. Many things to display, but you can choose one by one with Jetpack.

Still, in the Content Options, you may tick or untick each option in the Post Details section to get these displays:

Display the published date use jetpack

Display (1) or hide (2) the published date

Display the author name use jetpack

Display (1) or hide (2) the author name

Display the category use Jetpack

Display (1) or hide (2) the category

Display the tags use Jetpack's content options

Display (1) or hide (2) the tags

Featured Images

In the Content Options > Feature Images section, you will see a list of options that the theme offers you.

Pay attention that all these options are offered depending on the theme design. However, there are two common options which are Display on blog and archives and Display on single post.

Display the featured images on the single post page use Jetpack's content options

Display on single post: (1) display and (2) hide the featured images on the single post page

Display on blog and archives use Jetpack

Display on blog and archives: (1) display and (2) hide the featured images on the archives or blog page

Sometime, your theme may have more options which are Display on pages and Automatically use the first image in post. Just tick or untick them as well. Is it easy?

tick or untick options to use Jetpack's Content Options to show/hide content

Final Words

In short, these are all things that you can do with Content Options of Jetpack plugin to display or hide content on your WordPress website. This function of this plugin allows you to show your content exactly in the way you want just by some clicks of the mouse. Hope that with these tips, you will have your own blog with the display as you want. Leave us a comment if you need any support.

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