How to Get the ThemeForest Purchase Code?
Last Updated: August 8, 2020 in Guides
ThemeForest is a famous website in the world for selling & buying products, tools for website building, including theme, plugin and more for WordPress. Having an item on ThemeForest is quite familiar to developers or someone in the IT industry, but not yet to a newbie. That’s why today we will guide you step by step to do a simple thing but very important when you buy something on ThemeForest. That is how to get your Purchase Code when you bought something there.
- 1. What is ThemeForest?
Why ThemeForest?
- 2.1. ThemeForest has multi options for you:
- 2.2. There are many price level on ThemeForest:
- 2.3. Support from seller:
- 2.4. Support from its community:
- 2.5. Be up-to-date with themes from ThemeForest:
- 2.6. Buy once for a lifetime license:
- 2.7. Can recognize the high-quality themes:
- 2.8. View live preview:
- 3. What is the Purchase Code?
- 4. How to get the Purchase Code in ThemeForest?
First of all, let’s take a short tour to make clear about ThemeForest and its Purchase Code.
What is ThemeForest?
ThemeForest plays an intermediate role between the buyer and the developers, companies (called sellers) who produce themes or other software such as WordPress theme, Magento themes, Zoomla templates, HTML templates, Blogger templates, plugins, etc.
Seller will publish their products in there, no matter who they are, individual seller, a company, or an organization. And then, the buyer will come, choose, and take one. Of course, all the products must be gone through strict censorship by ThemeForest. It is to make sure that all the products meet the high quality.
One from the most salient things in ThemeForest is themes and templates for WordPress.

Themes and Template for WordPress
Why ThemeForest?
There are many reasons for choosing a product, especially WordPress themes, on ThemeForest. It includes the convenient, the reliable, the quality, etc.
ThemeForest has multi options for you:
It is the biggest marketplace for WordPress themes over the world. It’s where you can find out ten thousands of amazing themes with outstanding ideas for your website.
Perhaps you must dive in dozens of themes without escapable because of its attractive.
There are many price level on ThemeForest:
In ThemeForest, prices are made freely by the seller. Thus, the price level is quite flexible from $1x to $xxx. The popular prices for WordPress theme usually are in a range of $19-69. Don’t think that “The Cheapest is Dearest”. It’s very possible to get a beautiful theme with amazing features at a low cost in ThemeForest. Nothing is impossible!
Support from seller:
As the ThemeForest's sales policy, you will get at least 6 months for free support in the initial. If you want to lengthen this time, you can buy an extra package for support at a reasonable price.
Support from its community:
As a role of the biggest marketplace in the world for WordPress theme, its community is large also. If you need help, you will get it from not only the seller and ThemeForest but also the buyers who bought something like you.
Be up-to-date with themes from ThemeForest:
Because of the large community, the sellers rather give priority for this community. So, they usually update the new theme version for the buyer.
Buy once for a lifetime license:
As ThemeForest’s sales policy, all the theme you bought from it will have a lifetime license with lifetime free update. It’s so great.
Can recognize the high-quality themes:
ThemeForest shows all user the number of launching time, the latest update, number of sales, etc. This all will show you how people interested in the theme. Which better one has more people interested in, hasn’t it?
View live preview:
Finally, you cannot buy any theme or template without preview. You will have it on Themeforest.
When you decided to buy something on ThemeForest, you should remember and save important information that is your Purchase Code.
What is the Purchase Code?
The Purchase Code from ThemeForest is a line of code in this type: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

The Purchase Code
This code is a kind of invoice for your buying. With this code, the seller can track what and when you bought their product, which favor you have the right to be served. Therefore, you will need this purchase code in some case to send to your seller, maybe for a support request, update request, even refund request.
In other words, whenever you need to deal with your seller or update your theme, you almost must use this purchase code.
So, how to get it?
How to get the Purchase Code in ThemeForest?
After buying something, you can easily get the purchase code directly in your ThemeForest’s account. Just follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to ThemeForest.net, login to your account which you used to buy the theme.
Step 2: Go to “Downloads” folder in your account dashboard (as the below image) or go to this link.
Step 3: Download the file holding the purchase code
1. On the download page, scroll down and look for the product you want to get purchase code.
2. Press “Download” button beside the product.
3. Press the line “License Certificate & purchase code” then download the file.
Step 4: Find the purchase code
After pressing the line “License Certificate & purchase code”, your explorer will download a file to your computer. Open it by notepad or any other text editor to view the context.
Look up a line has the text “Purchase Code”, then copy the code following that text. That is your purchase code which you are finding.
You see, getting the Purchase Code on ThemeForest is so simple, isn’t it?
Good luck!