20+ Best Free Stock Photo Websites
Last Updated: August 8, 2020 in Resources
Always spend too much time searching free stock photos? Always feel hard to search the best images for the work? Always need some beautiful free images for your blog, website, social media? This time GretaThemes would like to provide 20 free stock images sites that you can use them in your work, including commercial work. You can also use these images in your WordPress themes. We believe that these copyright free images would be the best way to attract customers and visitors. So let's take a look.
Dreamstime is a distinguished leader in stock photos and video footage and a major supplier of high-quality digital media at unbelievable prices. All stock photos and videos available are provided by Dreamstime community's photographers, shot on film or digital and approved by their editors. Structured on categories and subcategories, and the database is renewed with thousands of fresh images and titles on a daily basis. On the homepage, you can search more specific image themes such as teamwork, owl, happy birthday.
British library
Sometimes when we write something connecting with the history, it is easy to prove it by a photo. British library can be your best choice. You can download free images. But please be aware of these photos may have one or more license types or their rights may be reserved.
Public domain pictures
This is a public domain images site, which has high-quality categories and other themes groups. There are two choices, premium download, and free download. The only difference is the premium one can get the large and clear image.
This free images site selects nothing but the highest quality, highest resolution pictures and adds them to their database on a daily basis. All photos uploaded to the site are released under Creative Commons - CC0 and do not require attribution. No more hassle trying to figure out whether you can use photos for commercial use and whether you need to provide attribution.And their long-term vision is to create an amazing community of photographers that want to share their work with the world.
Life of pix
This is a unique free stock website. The one thing you need to be reminded is that it is really time-consuming to open the website page. But it is worthy to wait. And they have a photographer for the week in order to introduce more talented photographer to public.
Free images and videos you can use anywhere. All images and videos on AVOPIX are released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0 (public domain). You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty-free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required.
Good Free Photos
A large Public Domain photo repository with high resolution free photos and vectors. sAll copyright free photos and royalty free photo, and CC0 Photos. 17275 free and public domain photos, images, clipart, pics and vectors and counting.
Little visuals
This is a temporary stop copyright free image website. Sadly the young man who created this site died suddenly in Nov 2013. His family is maintaining this website and running a donation towards the Hand on Heart Charity to help more people. And they hope to update some unpublished photos in the near future. So we recommend you should go to see these photos by yourself.
Pick up image
Pickup image has a really big collection of free photographs. Free download high-quality premium free stock images, public domain photos.You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. It also has different language version from users from different countries.
My stock photos
It has numerous beautiful free stock photos made by them that can be used for personal and commercial projects. The US style is really strong and you can search what you want on the homepage.
It is a repository of free public domain images. All pictures have been clicked by their in-house photographers. And it has a really clear homepage with 18 categories to divide the themes clearly and specifically.
PxHere offer free stock photos under license CCO, which means you can do whatever you want with the images, including redistributing and reselling. The images here are a lot and high-quality. You can search by topics, collections and more.
Websites to consider
The websites we consider to add to the collection must provide public domain photos, e.g. under license Creative Common 0 or similar. That means users can do whatever they want with the photos, including redistributing and reselling.
The following websites we have considered and don't match this rules:
- Unsplash
- Pixabay
- Pexels
- Gratisography
- New Old Stock
- Fancy Crave
- SplitShire
Hope this post can provide the best images choice for your work. And remember that all these images are high-quality and free to use under any purpose! We use them in our WordPress themes and you can, too!
Hello Qixu,
thank you for the list, I think you would also like avopix.com with more than 118 000 free photos under Creative Commons Zero (CC0) licence (for commercial use with no attribution).
All the best,
That's awesome. We'll add it to the list.
Hi, great ressource, thank you!
I am a photographer and i am sharing my picture with a CC0 licence( free to download and use) on my website digitalphotofinder.com Is it possible to consider adding my site to your guide ?
Hi Nicolas,
Thanks for your comment. We hardly see collection of photos on your website. It's kind of a normal WordPress site. I'm afraid we can't include your site in the collection above.
? Thank you for the list! ⚡ At 123PhotoFree.com we have thousands of free photos under Creative Commons licence (CC0) with 7 social sites dimensions (for Facebook, Twitter and more) ✅