7 Best Cleaning Tools for your WordPress Website
Last Updated: January 18, 2021 in Optimization
WordPress is the most popular CMS and there is no doubt about it. Being so much popular is not an easy role to play. It makes you vulnerable to different threats. Same happens with WordPress.
With great features, comes greater vulnerabilities!
That sounds spooky but it is a fact. Not only developers and designers are active in this revolutionary Content Management System but also the hackers. As developers develop plugins and themes for WordPress, hackers create malicious scripts to build a backdoor in other's WordPress websites.
Sometimes it's the hacker or sometimes it's just a technical glitch. Whatever the case is, along with build your website progress, you need to understand that cleaning your WordPress website is pivotal. An error-free website is bliss for an entrepreneur. In this post, I am going to provide you a list of some of the best cleaning tools for your WordPress website. Let's get you started.
If you are looking for an automatic tool that can help you to clean up your WordPress database, then you are looking in the right direction towards WP-Optimize. A clean database is one of the prime requirements for a WordPress website to run smoothly.
What it can do? Let's have a peek at some of its features,
- It removes all the unnecessary data like spam comments, trashed data, stale data, and unapproved data. In addition to that, it cleans your website's trackbacks and pingbacks.
- One of the best thing which I feel for this WordPress plugin is, it de-fragment the MYSQL table with just a single button-press.
- You don't have to run any kind of manual queries when you want to optimize.
- Scheduled cleanup makes it a very awesome WordPress plugin.
- It is mobile friendly and easy to use
Advanced Database Cleaner
Make sure to clean your WordPress database with Advanced Database Cleaner. When you use WordPress, with time your website gets bloated and sluggish with all the junk or unused CSS and JS in your database. Old drafts, spammy comments, and old revisions. All these are unnecessary data will be cleaned by Advanced Database Cleaner.
Some of its features are,
- Freedom to choose from items you want to clean.
- Easy to schedule an automatic database cleanup
- It helps significantly to improve your WordPress website speed.
- Healthy support in a multisite installation.
Smart Cleanup Tools
The Smart Cleanup Tools is not a free tool to use. However, the cost $30 justified when it comes to features. With this tool in hand, you can easily optimize your WordPress database to make your website lightning fast.
Let's have a look at some of its features,
- It has the WordPress Toolbar Menu with cleanup options and quick access.
- It uses AJAX for its cleanup operation execution.
- Declutter all the statistical data of each tool that is used.
- Keeps a log of all the SQL queries during the cleanup check and execution.
- Easy to export/import WordPress plugin settings.
If you are looking to optimize, backup, repair, delete and run selected queries database, then you might find WP-DBManager exactly as per your liking. Your specifications will be addressed quite elegantly here and you will face absolutely no problem in cleaning up your WordPress database.
The execution of this plugin is very simple, you just have to activate it. Then the script will create a folder backup-db in a wp-content folder automatically. Then all you need to do is move the htaccess.txt file to this folder only if it is not already there.
WP-Sweep is one of the best WordPress cleansing tools you can ever get your hands on. There are multiple functions which this powerful WordPress plugin can perform. It makes your WordPress website clean and fast.
Let's have a look at some of its features that can really give you an idea of how this WordPress plugin,
- This plugin is capable to deal with revisions, deleted comments, auto drafts, spammed comments, post meta, user meta, comment meta, term meta, unused terms, duplicated post meta, and user meta.
- It can efficiently transient options and optimizes database tables.
The range of clean up for this tool is very wide which makes it a very useful tool when you are cleaning up your WordPress database.
Clean Up Optimizer
When it comes to the overall cleansing of your WordPress website, you can totally rely on Clean Up Optimizer. It not only cleans your WordPress database but also all your WordPress junk data.
Some of its many features are,
- It is efficient for cleaning your WordPress data manually.
- Optimizes your WordPress database tables.
- Easy to manage Comments and Trackbacks.
- View custom and core Jobs.
- This plugin updates automatically.
SiteCheck Malware Scanner
SiteCheck Malware Scanner is a by-product of Sucuri website security. You might be wondering why I put it here on the list. Sometimes the cleansing requires identification and this tool is perfect to identify potential threats that might ensure security on your WordPress website. Once you identify those potential threats then things can be rectified easily.
Concluding Remarks
So, these are some of the tools that can help you to clean your WordPress website in no time.
Just to be sure I am giving you the final list again. Here it goes,
- WP-Optimize
- Advanced Database Cleaner
- Smart Cleanup Tools
- WP-DBManager
- WP-Sweep
- Clean Up Optimizer
- SiteCheck Malware Scanner
I hope this will help you to clean your website up. Did I miss any good plugin? Mention that in the comments and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Till then, have a good one.
This article is written by Morris Edwards. He is a Web Designer by profession and writer by hobby. He works for Awebstar, offering affordable Web Designing Services in Singapore. Morris helps in designing web pages for all types of business websites. He is always grinding away on something web-related.