Top 10 Free Hosting Service
Last Updated: March 17, 2021 in Guides
Although the quality of free hosting services cannot be as good as premium hosting ones and maybe contain ads, users still tend to use free hosting because not everyone is able to pay for a fee up to millions per year to buy hosting services. Here are some high - quality free hosting service providers that you can consider.
Award Space.Com
Despite having little storage capacity and bandwidth, this web is still highly appreciated thanks to more than 10 reputation years. You will have 1 GB of storage, 5GB of bandwidth and 1 domain. All you need to do is login your email and then use the web immediately.
Besides providing a free hosting package, the web also offers paid services at a reasonable price. However, the disadvantage of this host is that the MySQL database size is limited to 30MB.
It was started in 2017 and currently has more than 14 million users. This web is rated as one of the best free web hosting with the quality is as excellent as paid services. Although it's free, annoying ads are not contained.
You will be provided with 2GB of storage, 100GB of bandwidth and unlimited domains. Besides, 000webhost also offers shared hosting package for $ 3.99 / month / package and 6.99 USD / month / package. However, within a few hours daily, downtime may happen.
This web provides free cloud hosting services and which are 15 times faster than Shared hosting. In spite of the fast speed, the capacity is the downside of this web as it only provides 250MB of memory - a fairly modest capacity. However, the bandwidth capacity is also quite good with 10GB and 5 domains.
Since 2004, this host has been trusted by more than half a million people around the world for its great features such as providing 100MB of storage, 3GB of bandwidth, 1 Hosted Email, 3 Email accounts, and 24/7 customer support service. However, a small banner at the top of free hosting sites is its minus point.
This host provides plenty of capacity and has a fairly stable speed. Storage capacity is 1GB and bandwidth is unlimited. Like other hosts, atspace.com also has disadvantages that the response time is slow and the feedbacks of premium services are still very limited compared to free ones.
Users will be supported 5GB of storage for free. Besides, CloudLinux is integrated into the web in order to optimize and speed up. The numerous 20GB bandwidth capacity and 1 supported domain will totally satisfy you. However, 5gbfree.com does not support email.
You can also refer to the $2.95/month package.
Bravenet.com was activated from 1997 and it provides unlimited storage. Besides, free mailing listing services which are friendly with mobile devices are also supported. However, customer support services are still limited; Plesk and cPanel are not offered.
There are more than 1 million websites using this free host. Your storage capacity is limited to 1GB, but bandwidth capacity is supported up to 250GB along with a domain.
If you buy other packages, there will be more preferences, such as using the latest SSD hard drives. However, there are no website builders on Byet.host.
This web host provides you with 20GB of storage, 200GB of bandwidth, and 1 domain with special free-build websites, of course, no ads. Unfortunately, this host is no up-time guarantee.
If you are planning to design a Joomla or WordPress website, then cloudaccess.net is a perfect choice. This host provides great support services such as free tutorials and friendly customer services. You will be offered 500MB of storage, unlimited bandwidth, and free subdomain. In addition, it also provides the basic features of the Cloud Control Panel ™ (CCP) and the price is reasonable.
However, if your requirements are not Joomla or WordPress, this host may not provide you with the most optimal services.
Besides these 10 free website hostings above, there are still many providers. However, you should keep in mind that free hosting should be only used for testing code or learning about how to create a website rather than using for your main web. And once used, don't forget to regularly back up your website.