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Business X Documentation

Thank you for using BusinessX to build your beautiful website. In this documentation, we will show you how to install and setup the basic demo for your website. This takes you only 5 minutes to have the website ready!


We have written a very detailed guide on how to download and install a WordPress theme, please follow the instruction in that article.

If you use Testimonial and Portfolio on your website, you need to install the Jetpack plugin. Simply go to the Dashboard → Plugins → Add New, type the plugin name in the search box and press Enter. The plugin will appear in the list below, click Install Now button to install it. Then click Activate button to activate the plugin.

After installing Jetpack, you need to connect to to start using it. Simply click the green button on the top right that says Connect to Login with your account (or create one) and click Authorize Jetpack.

Finally, go to Jetpack → Setting . Then click active moduleTestimonials and Portfolio .

#Header Setup

Custom Logo

The theme displays site title and tagline by default, as shown on the demo. You can also display a custom logo, and optionally hide the site title and tagline.

To add a logo, go to Customize → Site Identity and upload a logo.



The main navigation menu appears at the top left of every page on your website. On tablet and mobile devices, it will be hidden behind a toggle button. To set it up, create a new custom menu via Customize → Menus and assign it to the Primary location. Social Menu assign to Social Menu location



#Setting up your front page

When you first activate BusinessX, your homepage will display posts in a traditional blog format. To set up your homepage, follow these steps:

  1. Create a page.
  2. Go to the Customizer’s Static Front Page panel and set Front page displays to A static page.
  3. Select the page you created in step one as the Front page, and, if you plan to have a blog as well, choose another page as the Posts page to display your blog posts.

#Front page section

Topbar Section
BusinessX includes 3 optional widges in the topbar: Topbar Address , Topbar Left and Topbar Right. To add widgets to the topbar, go to Customize → Widgets → Topbar Left ( or Topbar Right or Topbar Address ).


#Hero Section

Go to WP Admin → Pages → Home

Featured Image of page is background image of section and the content of page will be displayed outside the home page


#Features page section

Go to Customize->Theme Options->Features Section

#Statistics section

#Featured page

#Partner section

Select the page containing the partner image

Page with gallery images


#Services section


#Testimonial section

This section shows the latest Testimonials. To create a Testimonial, go to Testimonials → Add and add a new one. Please note:

  • The post title should be the customer name.
  • Add tag Jobs in the post title to express the role of work.
  • The customer image is the featured image.

#Portfolio section

This section shows the latest Portfolio. To create a Portfolio, go to Portfolio → Add and add a new one. Please note:

  • The post title should be the customer name.
  • Add tag Jobs in the post title to express the role of work.
  • The customer image is the featured image.

#Members section

This section shows the latest 3 Members. To create a Testimonial, go to Members → Add and add a new one. Please note:

  • The post title should be the customer name.
  • Add tag Jobs in the post title to express the role of work.
  • The customer image is the featured image.


BusinessX works nicely with all the available widgets. Simply go to Customize → Widgets → Sidebar and add the widgets you like.


BusinessX includes one optional widget area in the footer. To add widgets to the footer, go to Customize → Widgets. There are 4 widgets to insert. The widgets will be arranged in up to 4 columns automatically.

#Social Links Menu

The social links menu displays at the bottom right and at the top of your website. To add social links, create another menu and add links to your social network profiles. Then assign it to the Social Menu location.

Linking to any of the following sites will automatically display its icon in your menu:

  • Codepen
  • Digg
  • Dribbble
  • Dropbox
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • Foursquare
  • Github
  • Google+
  • Instagram
  • Linkedin
  • Path
  • Pinterest
  • Pocket
  • Polldaddy
  • Reddit
  • Skype
  • Spotify
  • Stumbleupon
  • Tumblr
  • Twitch
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • WordPress
  • Youtube


We recommend using a child theme to customize the theme. Here is the guide how to do that.

In addition, you can customize the theme CSS by going to Customize → Additional CSS.

If you want to customize the fonts or colors, we have 2 powerful and easy-to-use plugin: Ultimate Fonts and Ultimate Colors that can help you do that.

If you have any question, please send us a support ticket. Good luck, businessman!

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